V této části projektu nazvané Unity – stop racism, bullying and prejudice pracovali žáci 8. ročníku během celého 2. pololetí na tématech rasismus, šikana, kyberšikana a homofobie. Tohoto projektu se zúčastnilo celkem sedm škol, a to z Rakouska, Itálie, Řecka, Španělska a Turecka. Žáci vymýšleli příběhy na výše uvedená témata a v psaní příběhů se jednotlivé školy střídaly. Na konci projektu byl vybrán nejzajímavější příběh, který žáci zrealizovali a najdete ho níže. Tento projekt byl zaměřen nejen na řešení současných problémů mladých lidí, ale také na spolupráci jednotlivých škol, kreativní psaní a konečné ztvárnění příběhu. Práce žáky bavila a projekt realizovali s chutí a zápalem!
Registrace eTwinningového projektu
Stop racism, bullying & prejudice. Maybe you actually have problems like that in your own classroom or at your school?
We could create sketches on different topics together (like bullying/racism in class, cyberbullying, homophobia, …) and make our students play them out. Afterwards discuss them and make them see the bigger picture. It would be absolutely fantastic to have someone talk about his/her experiences in a video call, where all of us could aks questions and learn from another
English speaking skills will be improved in writing, listening and speaking, due to the students creating and perfoming roleplays together, as well as talking to victims of racism, bullying etc.
Social abilities are to be enhanced, make pupils see the bigger picture of harmful interaction. E.g. cyberbullying leads to self loathing => leads to suicide.
January to June
At the beginning of January small groups of all participating schools will be selected. They will work together and create roleplays on the topic. This will either happen on the twinspace (video calls or chat) or other helpful apps.
Nearing June, each roleplay will be staged by students of one school and uploaded on the Twinspace, so that everyone will see their play performed.
The final outcome will be the various roleplays, performed by our students and hopefully an interview with a person submitted to racism, bullying, homophobia or something alike.
We hope to enhance our kids understanding for minorities and make them learn what meaningless words to them, can cause with other people.
Věková skupina
Od 12 do 15
Cizí jazyky , Dramatická výchova , Společenské vědy